Reinforcing Cord is designed to strengthen the patches in the event of a defect (holes, missing piece of material) and at cuts longer than 3 cm.

The net is made of fiberglass, covered with a layer of PVC, which ensures maximum adhesion. It’s flexible and easily adapts to any surface. It can be trimmed to the size of the defect.

In addition, the Reinforcing Cord can be used to connect two separate pieces of fabric.

ATTENTION! Reinforcing cord requires the use of ULow Liquid PVC glue, which is available on our other auctions.

Method of use:

Clean the area around the hole (puncture or cut) from dirt and dust by wiping with a cloth soaked in solvent. Coat the mesh evenly and without gaps with sealant. After 2-3 hours the product is ready for use. Complete hardening is achieved after 12 hours.