Café Orgánico Marcala (COMSA) was founded in December of 2001 with a vision of creating new and alternative development opportunities for small-scale coffee farmers in the region of Marcala, Honduras. The organization originally brought together 69 small-scale farmers of Lenca origin who were interested in selling their coffee collectively under the umbrella of a rural credit union. With their initial successes, members became more and more open to experimentation with innovative organic practices. Since COMSA's inception, it has developed its own approach to organic agriculture, adopting the five " M s" of organic agriculture over time: in 2001 - use of organic M atter; 2006 - application of M icro-organisms in compost; 2010 - exploring the use of M inerals; 2012 - production of fermented live M olecules; 2013 - strengthening the grey M atter (brainpower) of their technical team, members, and strong educational program with their youth and women's groups. In February 2006, COMSA then applied for and was granted Fair Trade certification status. COMSA uses the Fair Trade price premium to fund many social projects including paying teachers' salaries and purchasing school supplies. The premium also finances the construction of kitchens in the schools in support of the Merienda Escolar program that provides meals for school children. Honduras Comsa Marcala-citrus start with hints of cherry balanced by an almond-flavored, dark chocolate body with a sweet caramel finish. It is bright, syrupy sweet, and energetic. Honduran coffee usually has a more laid back character than this offering. The fragrance of the brewed coffee is reminiscent of almonds and warm caramel with lemon lingering in the finish. This is not a heavy coffee, but it has a pleasant intensity and brightness that is memorable.