Photon Lizze Supreme is equipped with the highest technology, capable of providing spectacular results on the hair strands. This is because its 450 nanometer Blue light waves come into direct contact with the hair cuticle, obtaining longer-lasting and surprising results. In addition, its 600-nanometer Red Light activates circulation and strengthens the hair fiber, and the Green Light renews the hair fiber and nourishes the threads through microcirculation and collagen activation. Used to treat hair more safely and effectively, providing rays of cold light, making techniques such as straightening, hydration and relaxation healthier. In addition to returning the keratin to the hair. It is a photonic accelerator system for progressive brushing, permanent brushing, dyeing, balayage, relaxation, hydration, reconstruction and straightening. INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGY! Photon Lizze Supreme is equipped with the highest technology, capable of providing spectacular results on the hair strands. This is because its 450 nanometer Blue light waves come into direct contact with the hair cuticle, obtaining longer-lasting and surprising results. In addition, its 600-nanometer Red Light activates circulation and strengthens the hair fiber, and the Green Light renews the hair fiber and nourishes the threads through microcirculation and collagen activation. BLUE: Accelerates chemical processes and reaches deeper layers; RED: Power growth and strengthening; GREEN: Renews the hair fiber and nourishes the threads. Upon coming into contact with the hair, the laser initiates chemical reactions between the product's compounds distributed in the hair, enhancing its effect and prolonging its durability through the penetration and fixation of the product in the hair fibers. MAIN APPLICATIONS: Progressive, permanent and temporary brushes hydration, Reconstruction, straighten, balayage, cuticle sealing.