Ceylon True Cinnamon Powder 20g(0.70oz)-4.9kg(10.80lb) Cinnamonum Zeylanicum

Origin:Sri Lanka.

Scientific Name: Cinnamonum Zeylanicum .

means bay with pure aromatic herbs, spices, many types of honey, Greek olive oil, nuts, superfoods, dried fruits, herbal oils, incense, natural sea sponges, Greek handmade soaps with olive oil base, aromatherapy products etc. We have selected unique varieties in flavors and aromas from all over the world as well as the best Greek local organic and conventional certified natural agricultural crops with the best quality.

Ceylon Cinnamon is considered to be the best quality in taste and aroma of Cinnamon and is distinguished by its light color, perfect subtle pleasant aroma and intense sweet taste.

Cinnamon, cinnamon or cinnamon, is a spice found inside the bark of several trees of the genus Cinnamomum that is used in both cooking and confectionery.

Ceylon Cinnamon differs from Indonesian Cinnamon, since it is lighter in color, has thinner layers folded inside its bark, while it contains much smaller percentages of coumarin, which is why it also has a milder taste.

In cooking it is one of the most common seasonings, suitable for spicy foods and sweet dishes. It gives aroma to grilled meats, stewed foods, as well as to many sweets from the spoon or the oven.

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