Here is a seasonal set of Living Dead Dolls from Mezco depicting the three trick-or-treaters seen in the sequel that had nothing to do with the original Halloween III: Season of the Witch (1982). Because of its complete dissociation from the first two Halloween entries featuring Michael Myers, the film failed miserably upon its initial release. But the acerbic screenplay by Nigel Neale had more to do with the deadly effects of cancer capitalism than slasher horror, and even though he took his name off the film's credits after his vision was tampered with there is more than enough truth remaining to substantiate the madcap plot of the Silver Shamrock company trying to restore the original meaning of the Halloween holiday in a mind-blowing manner. These excellent 10" representations of the witch, the skeleton and the jack-o-lantern come with their infamous trick-or-treat bags and pose no threat as long as they remain in their cinematic collectors box.