Onion essential oil is used for the treatment of glandular imbalance and weight problems. Along with this, it is also used for curing colds and infections. It is an excellent choice as a blood cleanser. It is also very good for keeping your skin clear and glowing. It also helps in obesity.

Diuretic: Onion essential oil is vital diuretic oil that aids in the removal of toxic agents (like uric acid) from the body. It increases the frequency and quantity of your urine, which ultimately leads to the removal of toxic agents. By making your body free from such agents you reduce the chances of diseases like acne, rheumatism, boils, arthritis, and various other diseases too.

Expectorant: Onion essential oil is useful in the treatment of diseases which involve congestion like cough, cold, sinus, etc. It has got beneficial expectorant properties as it makes way for the passage of sputum and hence, bringing relief in the above mentioned ailments.

Botanical NameAllium cepa
OriginIt originated in Germany.
Method of Extraction & Part of Plant UsedOnion essential oil is extracted from the bulbs by steam distillation process.

It is yellow to golden brown in color.


It has very unpleasant smell.

IntegrantsIt comprises of Sulphuric, Methyl Propelyn Sulphide, Propyyne-Proplyn Sulphide, Propeniol etc.
Therapeutic PropertiesIt has various therapeutic properties that include anthelmintic, anti-rheumatic, antiseptic, antimicrobial, anti-sclerotic, depurative, stomachic, antiviral, bactericidal, antispasmodic, carminative, digestive, diuretic, expectorant, fungicidal, hypoglycemic, hypotensive, tonic and vermifuge.
Blends Well With

It mixes well with various other essential oils as well as carrier oils that include Sandalwood


Do not use this oil during pregnancy.


Onion essential oil is used for the treatment of glandular imbalance and weight problems. Along with this, it is also used for curing colds and infections. It is an excellent choice as a blood cleanser. It is also very good for keeping your skin clear and glowing. It also helps in obesity.

Diuretic: Onion essential oil is vital diuretic oil that aids in the removal of toxic agents (like uric acid) from the body. It increases the frequency and quantity of your urine, which ultimately leads to the removal of toxic agents. By making your body free from such agents you reduce the chances of diseases like acne, rheumatism, boils, arthritis, and various other diseases too.

Expectorant: Onion essential oil is useful in the treatment of diseases which involve congestion like cough, cold, sinus, etc. It has got beneficial expectorant properties as it makes way for the passage of sputum and hence, bringing relief in the above mentioned ailments.

Diuretic: Onion essential oil is vital diuretic oil that aids in the removal of toxic agents (like uric acid) from the body. It increases the frequency and quantity of your urine, which ultimately leads to the removal of toxic agents. By making your body free from such agents you reduce the chances of diseases like acne, rheumatism, boils, arthritis, and various other diseases too. It has various therapeutic properties that include anthelmintic, anti-rheumatic, antiseptic, antimicrobial, anti-sclerotic, depurative, stomachic, antiviral, bactericidal, antispasmodic, carminative, digestive, diuretic, expectorant, fungicidal, hypoglycemic, hypotensive, tonic and vermifuge. Diuretic: Onion essential oil is vital diuretic oil that aids in the removal of toxic agents (like uric acid) from the bo