Natural Rice Hulls Organic Compost Hydroponic Growing Media For Natural Plant

Rice hulls (or rice husks) are the hard protective coverings of grains of rice. In addition to protecting rice during the growing season, rice hulls can be put to use as building material, fertilizer, insulation material, or fuel. Rice hulls are part of the chaff of the rice.

Rice hulls can be composted, but their high lignin content can make this a slow process. Sometimes earthworms are used to accelerate the process. Using vermicomposting techniques, hulls can be converted to fertilizer in about four months. Rice hulls that are parboiled (PBH) are used as a substrate or medium for gardening, including certain hydro-cultures. The hulls decay over time. Rice hulls allow drainage, and retain less water than grow-stones. It has been shown that rice hulls do not affect plant growth regulation. Like Coco Peat, Rice Hulls can mix with soil in potting up/ plantation

Benefit of Rice Hulls:

Package included.