Welcome to my listing! This pin was part of my husband's beloved pin collection, which he spent years building. He worked at Disneyland as a security officer and in various roles within Disney University. Thank you to Pinpics for the below information.

Origin: DS - Disney Shopping / Disney Store
Limited Edition: 250
SKU Number: 0671457349
Original Price: $12.95
Released: 2007
Retired/Sold out: Yes
Wanting: 64
Trading: 9

Green Ursula puts her best tentacles forward on this clever gold-finished character pin, one in a series of St. Patrick's Day delights. Enamel cloisonné. Imported. Ursula's tentacles form a shamrock behind her. Ursula is the Sea Witch from "The Little Mermaid." Size (in inches): 1 5/8 W x 2.0 H. 2 posts, vertical, top & bottom, in center. Gold-finished back, small checker-board pattern, everyplace except inside the large copyright box in between the posts containing 4 lines of information: ODPT logo dated 2007 Limited Edition 250 (inside another box) © Disney China