Tiny Houses : Minimalist Living, Tiny Homes and Shipping Container Homes for a Better Life, Paperback by Livingston, Richard, ISBN 1544614969, ISBN-13 9781544614960, Brand New, Free shipping in the US

Tiny HousesMinimalist Living

Whether it’s a cabin in the woods, a cottage on wheels, or a shipping container turned into a two- bedroom home – the dream of living in a tiny house is one that has captivated many.

It used to be that building your own home was a preserve of the exceptionally wealthy, and small houses were only for those desperate for housing. Things have changed, however, and now people are beginning to see the value in designing and creating a home that caters to your needs.

Using advances in technology and innovations in designs little houses from 600-sqaue foot to a minute 100-square foot, have become not only possible but inviting. In this guide we’ll give a tour of the world of tiny homes, downsizing for a greater life, and kick start to alternative living.

Once you’ve decided to go tiny you’ve only just begun you’re journey. You’ll need to learn how to glide through zoning laws, get the land that will work for you, design robust plans for a tiny home, and get the help and materials you need on budget.

Simple living is not as easy as the name implies, but with our help it can be. Getting moved in will only get you so far – going tiny is a state of mind and we cover the best way to start living minimally that will work for you.

The tiny house movement can help you pare back, take control, and surround yourself with the things that really matter. Save money, get creative, and make yourself a new home that works for you.