
Twentieth Annual report of the United States Geological Survey to the Secretary of the interior 1898-99

Walcott, Charles D. :

Twentieth Annual report of the United States Geological Survey to the Secretary of the interior 1898-99

Washington: Government Printing Office 1900. 951 Seiten + Tafeln Halbleinen

Sprache: Englisch

Bestell-Nr: 281583

Bemerkungen: Kanten bestossen, papierbedingte Seitenbräunung.- Aufgrund des hohen Gewichts (über 5 Kilo!) Auslandsversand nur nach vorheriger Rücksprache über die Versandkosten.-- Inhalt: Becker, G.F.: Brief memorandum on the geology of the Philippine Islands (p.1-8). Dale, T.N.: A study of Bird Mountain, Vermont ( Pls. I-II, p. 9-24). Girty, G.H.: Devonian fossils from southwestern Colorado: The fauna of the Ouray formation ( Pls. III-VII, p. 25-82). Russell, I.C.: A Preliminary paper on the geology of the Cascade Mountains in northern Washington ( Pls VIII-XX, p. 83-210). Ward, L.F.: Status of the Mesozoic floras of the United States (Pls. XXI-CLXXIX, p.211-748). White, David: The stratigraphic Succession of the fossil floras of the Pottsville formation in the Southern Anthracite coal field, Pennsylcania (Pls. CLXXX-CXCIII, p. 749-) /// Standort Wimregal QED-H0772

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