Mobile PC Gaming : Gaming With Your Laptop, Paperback by De Luna, Paolo Jose, ISBN 1530538335, ISBN-13 9781530538331, Brand New, Free shipping in the US

Over the past few years, PC gaming has reached the pinnacle of success and it continues to keep on going towards improvement. We can expect that games and machines will upgrade for the better when it comes to PCs and video games. However, the problem now is that most people own laptops, not fully rigged out desktop PCs. Everyone wants to bring in a more mobile approach to everything that a PC offers which also includes gaming. Laptops are mobile PCs made for doing work on the go. You can write your documents, create PowerPoint presentations, organize tables in Excel, and more — and gaming isn’t out of the equation when it comes to laptops. But the problem with laptops is that they have weaker specs compared to the usual and bulkier desktop PC rigs. In terms of hardware, the laptops pale in comparison to desktop PCs. This includes hard drive, RAM, graphics cards, external device support, monitor size and quality, and even the keyboard layout. For software, it depends, as you can get software upgrades right from the get go when you buy your laptop or from the updates that the manufacturer releases a few times every month. The bottom line is that laptops are not meant for gaming, they’re more geared for working and surfing the Internet – but is that going to stop you from PC gaming? Well, it shouldn’t. Sure, laptops are more of a worker’s haven since laptops are meant to be placed on your lap, be brought almost anywhere, and let you work anytime and anywhere that you prefer. This includes writing, making presentations, creating websites, coding, and such things. But from time to time, you need to have a break or two from work. Gaming on your laptop is still possible. Getting geared properly to get your game on your laptop is crucial if you want to play PC games on your mobile PC. And in this book, we’ll be teaching you on how to properly gear up, set up, and equip your laptop with the proper hardware, software, and accessories to make your laptop outshine the rest of the competition in the market when it comes to PC gaming. Oh and we’re not just talking about the classic PC games that run with mediocre requirements and low hardware specs. We’re talking about PC games from the past up to the latest PC games that demand only the best. If you want to play the latest and the best PC games out today, you need to know what to get and how to get it when it comes to gaming on your laptop. We’re talking about high-end games with surreal graphics that you’d think impossible to run on a laptop. But running these games on a laptop is still possible – with the right equipment, that is. So suit up and gear up, here are the tips and know-hows that you should take note if you want to game on your humble laptop.