Asnes Tur-Langrenn 205 Hickory Cross-Country Skis, Made in Norway, SHIPS FREE!

Hello athletes and/or interior decorators! Today for your consideration I have a keen old pair of cross-country skis. These are 205 centimeters long...which is a little over 80 inches. I have no experience with any sort of skiing, but that seems pretty long to me. They will also ship with some extras, detailed below. 

These skis have the following printed on them:


Made in Normay

Hickory Sole-Lignostone"

The bindings are also made in Norway. They say "Skilom" on them, "Medium", and either "Left" or "Right". This is on the larger, front part of the binding. The rear parts are metal squares, crenelated, and have some sort of pink pad nestled in them. They seem to be held on by one screw each. One is at an odd angle while the other is free to rotate a bit. 

This also comes with some extras. I have three tubes of ski wax; please note that these tubes of wax are unsealed and may or may not still be usable. All three are  labeled "SWIX SKI WAX/CIRE POUR SKIS". I do not know if these are made in Norway, but I think they are. The gold tube of was is specifically for dry snow, the silver for wet snow, and the white is for fresh fine-grained snow. 

There is also what I am assuming is a wax application/removal tool. This is also marked SWIX, and is made in Norway. It's a sort of metal scraper with a block of some dense foam. I'm not sure if this foam would need replaced for this tool to work as intended.

Fast, FREE (yeah; you read that right) shipping will be via either UPS or FedEx, whichever is more cost efficient.