Specialty coffee - exclusive coffee (100% premium Arabica) is the highest quality natural coffee, the most expensive coffee. "Guatemala Jalapa" flavored with apricot, peach, flower honey, citrus, yellow raspberry is 86 SCA points. Grain processing - natural. From the Jalapa Finca Vizcaya plantation (Guatemala).

The amazing taste is the taste of Elite Arabica, with the potential of coffee preserved from grain to mug!

Specialty Coffee (Senior Coffee) - only less than 10% of the lots of Arabica coffee in the world are awarded! Hedestrali is a grain with an outstanding taste potential, scoring more than 80 points according to the Q system. Due to the thorough approach at all stages of production (cultivation, processing, transportation, roasting) and concentrating the entire process by one manufacturer (from A to I), it is possible to achieve unique characteristics in coffee.

"PKOK" is a manufacturer of high-quality and exclusive grain (beans and ground) coffee for every taste and budget for coffee houses, restaurants, bars, offices and at home (from 250 g to 10 kg).

Try the miracle-quality product from Ukraine!