
One-step rapid gel staining solution is a simple, fast and cost-effective solution that can be used to stain protein gels in SDS-PAGE and can also be used to detect residual proteins on PAGE gel after Western Blot. The staining solution does not contain toxic methanol or irritating acetic acid that are present in conventional staining solution. The use of this staining solution does not require fixation or destaining, staining time is shorter, and the sensitivity is higher when comparing to traditional staining solutions. Protein can be detected in quantities as small as 5 nanograms and results can be seen in as little as 2 minutes.

Storage and Handling Conditions

Transport at room temperature; Store at room temperature and away from light, valid for 12 months.

Assay Protocol

1. Take out the gel after electrophoresis, put it into a clean vessel, rinse it with pure water 2-3 times, 20 s each time.

2. Pour out pure water, add around 20 mL of one-step rapid gel staining solution (enough to submerged gel), and shake until the band on the gel is visible, which is typically after 2-10 minutes.

3. While destaining is not required, wash with water will improve the background for better photo record or to detect sample with low abundance.


1. There will be precipitate at the bottom of the bottle after a period of time. Please mix well before use.

2. The staining solution is acidic and slightly corrosive. Please take protective measures.

3. Rinsing the gel with pure water before staining can greatly reduce the interference of SDS.

4. Please take photos as soon as possible after staining. Long immersion in pure water will lead to the loss of protein and dye.

5. For your safety and health, please wear a lab coat and disposable gloves when operating.