Custom Amulets

Which Attributes Are Important To You?

Co-Create Your VERY Own Custom Amulet

"Send me 3 to 5 attributes that are important to you and I will create a custom amulet specifically for you."

"Your custom amulet is encased in German watch crystals and framed by a sterling silver braided rope bezel with bail."
~ E.J. Gold, Creator Crystal Quantum Radios

Each Custom Amulet is Unique

Custom amulets are designed and created from your specifications. Hand built from scratch each amulet is destined to be unique. So don't be surprised if you amulet looks different than others you have seen.

Regular Price: $375.00

Sale Price: $275.00 for a limited time

"Hi Brane-Power,

A few weeks ago a friend of mine told me about the amulet she got from you guys online.She told me that things were really improving in her life ever since she had it.She said she felt more optimistic about life in general, she was sleeping better, felt more energy and felt her body was getting stronger. She even, out of the blue, got a raise in pay. She said she wasn't even thinking about getting one.As soon as I got home I looked you guys up. Wow, there were so many different ones to choose from. I liked so many of them, the quantum witch, the double black diode... I was having trouble deciding and then I noticed a link at the bottom of the page to the custom amulets.That was the one for me. I was really excited about co-creating my amulet with the maker. I sent in the attributes I wanted, like you asked. I have been wearing it for about a week now and I just wanted to tell you how grateful I am to have it.It's my new best friend. I am never without it. It might sound crazy but I feel we are in communication and I've been following what I think it is saying to me.Really looking forward to my life. I feel really happy. I have not been able to truly say that before I had my amulet.Thank you, thank you, thank you. I am telling everyone about you guys."

-- Linda C

My custom amulet is one of the best tools I’ve had for energy protection. I carry my amulet everywhere I go. If I am feeling unease or conflicted, I touch it and invoke the presence of my presence into the present. It reminds me that I am never alone. PA

Our Satisfied
Custom Amulet Wearers

"Wow! I have been feeling the effects from my Custom Amulet; it seems to have cracked the door into other dimensions. When I close my eyes, there is more "psychic activity" and less "mental chatter". With the extra edge of attention, a trip to town really is a trip! ~ R.C., British Columbia

"The first time ... I felt an immediate shift.

"The first time I put on my custom amulet, I felt an immediate shift into a shimmering awareness and sense of deeper connection to the field of Life. My old reality seemed to collapse and new possibilities and choices materialized almost instantly. Over time, it has helped me clear old identity patterns connected to past traumas, injuries and unconscious emotional conditioning, while strengthening my natural gifts of creativity, kindness and playfulness. I don't leave home without it." ~ T.M. USA

"I feel that I received everything for which I asked."

"I've had my Custom Amulet 6 months. I asked for Creativity, Fearlessness, Humor and Peacefulness. I feel that I received everything for which I asked. I have been wearing my Amulet every day and every day things seem to be getting better and better. I have become more satisfied with my life and myself. I am so much happier now. I do have other Amulets too and I really like them as well but I really have connected with my Custom Amulet." ~ I.O.

"My custom amulet is by far my favorite...

"My custom amulet is by far my favorite, and has opened up new depths of exploration. When I wore the amulet for the first time I noticed a variety of new sensations in the chest area. Over the next few days all aspects my life began to abruptly change, as though I was undergoing some kind of shift. I strongly suspect this was due to the influence of the custom amulet. I would advise buyers to choose their custom attributes carefully . it might be rather surprising to get what you ask for!" ~ A.B.