Badge of the Order of Saint Patrick. Great Britain. Modern replica

The replica is one-sided. The replica is made of metal with enamel, the dimensions are shown in the photo.

Such an award will take a worthy place in your private collection, suitable for museums and social institutions, educational institutions, for filming, theater, children's matinees, performances, reconstructions and people who are fond of history and this subject. Great gift for Christmas, birthday or any other holiday.

Thank you for your interest in our listings. In our store, awards from all over the world are presented at an attractive price. Happy shopping and hope for long-term cooperation.

Description/history of the order:
Order of St. Patrick
The Most Brilliant Order of Saint Patrick is a British order of chivalry, associated
with Ireland. Officially, the order still exists. Its last head was Queen Elizabeth II.
Motto: "Quis separabit?" (“Who will separate us?”), an abbreviated gospel phrase “Who will separate us from the love of Christ?”
The order was founded in 1783. By the charter of the order, membership was limited to men, nobles in the third generation
both from the side of the father and the mother, in fact, only
Irish Princes and Peers of the Irish Parliament.