Plan your home decor with this beautiful rug, handmade using sustainable material.

This Rug add a stylish edge to your Dining rooms, living room, bedroom or hallway without worrying about damage from high traffic.

Our Rugs are handmade / hand braided by Natural Jute Fibers, hand braided and then stitched together.

This listing is available in multiple size. Refer variation chart for your desired size.

Thickness : 5 to 7 MM (Less than 1 Inch)

If you are looking for some other size, write to us. We can make customs size.

You can write us for your required customs size, if not in above.

These rugs can be used for Indoor as well Outdoor uses. You may use these rugs to decor you living room, Dining Room, Hall Way , Kids Area.

Care/ Cleaning instruction:

Natural Fibers are highly absorbent and should be cleaned regularly.
Vacuum regularly to prevent dirt from becoming trapped in the fibers.
Regularly vacuuming, rotation and occasional gentle shake will keep the rugs looking their best.
Avoid exposure to direct sunlight to prevent fading.

Shipping Info: We always ship our orders by DHL / FedEx only, once they are ready. Please refer the processing time section for knowing the processing time in making this rug.