Korg Trinity HDR-TRI (Hard Disk Recorder für Trinity.) voll funktionsfähig!

HDR-TRI: Harddisk-Recorder, 4 Spuren, 16 Bit, 48 kHz, Aufnahme über SCSI-Port, Synchronisation per eingebautem MIDI-Sequenzer.

English product information:

This remarkable option changes your meek, mild-mannered Trinity (OK, somaybe it’s not so meek) into a kind of SuperSynth. Faster than a speedingbullet, it greatly expands the capability of the Trinity’s onboard sixteen-trackMIDI sequencer by adding four professional-quality digital audio tracks. Itsaddition of numerous physical connectors—two analog inputs, a stereo digitalinput/output (for direct importation of sounds from digital recorders as well asbackup to DAT), and a SCSI port that allows up to seven hard drives (includingremovable cartridges) to be directly connected—makes the Trinity morepowerful than a locomotive. And, while all this may not exactly give you theability to leap tall buildings at a single bound, it does allow you to add vocalsand acoustic instruments to your MIDI sequences—complete with effects andautomated control over level, pan, and EQ—thus turning the Trinity into acomplete, self-contained digital recording studio.