Lowest Price for CDS test strips

The use of a Chlorine Dioxide Test Strip can provide fast and reliable monitoring of chlorine dioxide levels. The Chlorine Dioxide Test Strips detect levels from 0-500ppm in increments of 0, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, and 500. 

Chlorine dioxide has a higher oxidation capacity than chlorine or ozone, which means lower concentrations of chlorine dioxide can be used to achieve effective disinfection. 

Instructions: Immerse the Chlorine Dioxide test strip in you chosen sample for 2 seconds. Remove the strip with the pad face up. Do not shake off excess water. With pad still facing up, wait 10 seconds and read the strip against the color chart provided. 

A data sheet will be supplied with additional supply options as we are currently limited in what supplies we can list for sale here.