Please observe the following general advice as there is no point in treatment unless you also take into account that the mites can live up to 72 hours off the body and therefore take steps to avoid re-infestation - bluntly, they may hop off, wait and then hop on again when the oil wears off so carefully follow the instruction below or don't bother buying the oil.

For long term sufferers, do please consider also using our new "Advanced Treatment Lotion For Scabies" - the item number for entry into your eBay search bar is 394648681213

Made using Katseye Blends 16 and 43, our all natural Scabies Treatment Oil has evolved over many years and has always proven very effective as well as being very simple to use.

Blend 16 contains essential oils of Bergamot, Geranium, Chamomile, Lemon, Lavender, Rosemary and Tea Tree. Blend 43 essential oils of Palmarosa, Lavender, Tea Tree, Chamomile Roman and Clove Bud. The base oil is a combination of cold-pressed Sunflower and Extra Virgin Jojoba oils.

Our all natural oil will not only help remove the mites responsible for Scabies but will also quickly ease away irritation and itching as well as promoting a speedy recovery.

Directions: Simply massage a small amount carefully into all your skin including under your nails and leave for at least 3 hours before washing off. It is recommended that you consider using our B16 shampoo/body wash gel to enhance the treatment rather than a standard shower gel or soap. It is advised that you repeat the treatment after 5 days in case any eggs were missed or hatched out since treatment.

Important: If you have had the problem for a long time or have used many products to the point that the mites have adapted or become resistant to treatments then you should repeat the treatment daily for 5 days in which case you should opt for the bigger size bottle.

We are clinical aromatherapists rather than retailers and, as with all our products, this product is handmade using the highest grade of therapeutic ingredients to bring you the best products in good basic packaging with no frills so that you can buy at a fair price.


Please observe the following general advice as there is no point in treatment unless you also take into account that the mites can live up to 72 hours off the body and therefore take steps to avoid re-infestation – consider everything that the mite can live on such as clothes, towels, bedding and soft furnishings – it is an intensive 3 day investment to save you and those who are close to you potentially months or even years of stress:


  • wash all bedding and clothing used by sufferers daily at 50C or higher for the duration of the treatment
  • put clothing that can't be washed in a sealed bag for 3 days until the mites die
  • Carefully vacuum carpets and soft furnishings following treatment
  • stop babies and children sucking treatment from their hands by putting socks or mittens on them


  • have sex or close physical contact until you've completed the full course of treatment
  • share bedding, clothing or towels with someone with scabies
Important note: For recently infected people the oil is sufficient to get rid of the mites after just a week but do bear in mind that those mites may well have left eggs in the body so, yes, if an egg was laid a day or 2 before you stopped using the treatment then they could reappear in or on the body so reapply.

Blend 16 gets rid of topical mites and Blend 43 gets rid of those under the skin but for longer term sufferers it is the Blend 43 lotion that is critical as it is readily assimilated by the body and circulated around the body and ultimately renders the body both unpalatable and poisonous to the mites but how long it takes depends on how long the mites have inhabited the body – they are living creatures that inhabit, breed and multiply spreading around the body and burrowing deeper into the body and, of course, they deposit their eggs in the body as they go.

Many mites will die in the body and some will try to escape the body so, bluntly, the longer a person has had the mites then the more mites there are across more of the body and the longer it takes to rid the body completely of them.

My recommendation has always been clear – use the lotion at night before going to bed as that is the best time for the body to assimilate the oils and do not over do it by applying more than once a day as the body can only assimilate a limited amount per day. So, to be crystal clear – the oil kills the bugs on the skin and just under the skin but it is the lotion that does the job for longer term hosts of the mites which have burrowed deeper and laid their eggs deeper in the body and as the body becomes more unpalatable many bugs will seek to leave the body and that is a good time to reapply the treatment oil.

Katseye products are unique and have an unrivalled reputation for effectiveness in the world of complementary therapy. Since 1978 we have been making bespoke products for a select few through our clinic and now they are available to you for the first time. Over 100 unique essential oil blends have been created which have been made into creams, lotions, sprays, bath products - literally hundreds of therapeutic products which have been sold under a wide array of brands and labels.