2011 Star Wars Darth Vader  Silver Coins set Niue

The ever-faithful R2-D2 (Artoo Detoo) is a feisty astromech droid of suprising determination and resourcefulness. Communicating in a verity of beeps and shistles Artoo's cylindrical body is equiped with multiple instrumens and sensors designed to carry out his primary utility droid functions.

as a simple farmer, Luke Skywalker often dreamt of galactic adventure amongst the starts. A distress call from Rebel leader Princess Leia Organa places Luke in the midst of the epic struggle between the rebel alliance and the evil empire, where Luke meets the old Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobody and rescues the Princess.

The beatiful Princess Leia Organa is a symbol of diplomacy, strength, and hope within the Rebel Allaince. While serving as the youngest member of the Impire Senata, Princess Leia secretly leads the struggling Rebellion in their mission to overthrow the Galactic Empire.

Darth Vader is a Dark 1 ord of the Sith responsible for wiping out the Jedi and executing the Emperor's evil bidding. Feared by Rebels and Imperials alike Darth Vader is a terrifung union of man and machine hidden beneath black robes and forbidding armor.


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