Labyrinthine Mystery is an asynchronous cooperative game for 3 to 5 players. Players are guests who have been invited by the owner of a grand manor on a snowy winter night. While the guests have never met each other before this night, they share one thing in common: they all have their own reasons for hating the owner of the manor and have designs on his death. When the owner turns up dead, everyone realizes that a formal police investigation might end of leading back to their own person…so they decide to resolve it among themselves by collecting evidence to find the murderer concealed amidst their numbers.

If the players can expose the true identity of the murderer and reveal the tricks and weapon he or she used within the time constraints, they win. Oppositely, if the guilty party is able to deceive everyone and go undetected, that person wins the game.

On each turn, a player can chose to either investigate, accuse, or make a final accusation. Every action costs minutes of the player's limited time.