Cowslip Flower Herbal tea - Primula Veris - Superior Quality Herbs and Flowers Tea

Primula derives its name from the Latin word primus meaning "first" as the plant blooms in early spring.

It needs a shady environment and moist soil. The corollas should be collected without the green calyx, from March to May and dried quickly in the shade.

The roots should be extracted either before flowering or in autumn. The overharvesting of the plant has made it extremely rare, so we should pick it when we find it in abundance and even then, collect it in limited quantity.

Preparation – dosage
Pour a cup of boiling water into 2 kg of petals and leave it for 10-15 minutes. We drink 3 times a day.

Pour 1 kg of the root of the plant into a cup of water, boil it, lower the heat and let it simmer for 5 minutes. We drink one cup three times a day

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