SANANGA Sacred Eye Drops 5ml Organic Tabernaemontana undulata Shaman Ceremonial

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We greet you in the Love and Light.


We currently have available:


SANANGA Sacred Eye Drops - Tabernaemontana undulata


Available in 5ml bottles.


Our Australian made Sananga Sacred Eye Drops possess a high quality medicinal profile and are crafted using traditional methods.


Our Sananga Sacred Eye Drops are made by slowly extracting organic Tabernaemontana undulata root bark into fresh spring water using gentle heat and continuous stirring. It’s then brewed over 3 days, cold pressed, then double filtered, leaving a beautifully refined straw colored liquid with high medicinal value.


We offer Australian made, pure organic Sananga with absolutely no additives or preservatives. Safe to use in the eyes, on the skin or to ingest for remarkable health benefits.




Sananga Eye Drops is crafted from two plants - Tabernaemontana Sananho (masculine plant spirit) and Tabernaemontana Undulata (feminine plant spirit).


Traditionally, Sananga was used in its pure form, with the juice extracted from fresh root cortex or freshly picked leaves and applied directly into the eyes by a Shaman. Nowadays, an aqueous extract of the root bark is used.




Daily Use: 1 drop in each eye, once daily for up to 28 days.


Its recommended to use Sananga in the morning and to commence on a New Moon and finish on a Full Moon.


Ceremonial Use: 1-3 drops in each eye before, during or after ceremony.



STEP 1 - Set your intention. Sacred plant medicine can only achieve and heal what you specifically ask for so setting a strong intention and being specific about what you seek is very important.


STEP 2 - One to three drops per eye is enough for a very powerful Sananga healing experience. We recommend to find a calm and quiet place, either in nature or at home in a peaceful setting and with meditative music. We recommend ‘ORYOM - Native Prayer’. The acute effects will wear off after a few minutes, yet subtle after effects can last for days.


IMPORTANT - It is extremely difficult to effectively self administer the drops so please find a person who can apply the Sananga for you. 


STEP 3 - Make sure you lie down flat and leave your eyes closed during the initial application. It is important to apply the drops to the inner corners of each eye starting with the heart side or left eye. Apply the drops to each eye, one after the other.


STEP 4 - After application is complete, take a deep breathe out and then open your eyes. You can blink and flutter your eyes for a few seconds to help distribute the liquid over the entire eye. Shortly after opening of the eyes, a very intense burning sensation begins.  Resist the temptation to immediately wipe the Sananga from the eyes as its considered disrespectful to the plant.


STEP 5 - Breathe deeply. Holding some folded tissues near the temples helps catch any tears before they roll into your ears. The most intense effects reside after a few short minutes. It’s most important at this stage to focus on slow, deep, rhythmic breathing and to ‘lean into’ the pain rather than resisting it. Go to your zen place mentally. Trust in the medicine and surrender to the experience. 


STEP 6 - Intuitively open, close, flutter and move your eyeballs in every direction to aid in the healing process.


STEP 7 - Once the pain has fully subsided you may sit up and enter a meditative state. Staring at a candle or a fire can be very soothing afterwards.




Most users report a feeling of a deep ocular clean, energetic field reset, third eye activation, removal of anger, fear and anxiety, improved night vision, colors seem brighter and sharper as well as mild euphoria and a sense of well being.


Always remember to remove your contact lenses before using Sananga. Keep contact lenses out for at least 2 hours afterwards.



The household fridge can be a breeding ground for contaminants. Please keep the bottle of Sananga upright in the Black Mylar pouch provided and keep refrigerated at all times. We are aware that other providers may use large amounts of Hydrogen Peroxide and Colloidal Silver to extend the shelf life of their Sananga by up to 6 months. Our organic Sananga is a traditional raw botanical extract with absolutely no additives or preservatives and has a shelf life of approx 2 months if stored and used correctly.




Sananga can easily become contaminated due to poor handling and incorrect storage.  Never allow the tip of the dropper to touch the eye or hands. Settling of contents may occur. Shake well before use and always visually check the Sananga to ensure there are no signs of fungal growth. If there is anything suspicious, like floating bits or something that looks like black ink, it has expired and should be discarded immediately. Using expired Sananga can cause severe eye infections that may take weeks to clear. Use at your own risk.




The indigineous peoples of the Amazon use Sananga both for herbal medicine and spiritual usage. Sananga has been reported to remove ‘Panema, which is like a spiritual illness in the body. It is believed that someone who drinks too much Vine of the Soul or consumes too much Mapacho Rapé will develop a ‘black sludge in their stomach, which must be purged with Kambo or in another way. MJ is also a major culprit which puts this type of energy into the body. Nisun is another name for this type of spiritual illness and is emphasised for those who do not conduct proper Dietas. Sananga is used by the indigenous as an effective way to remove these bad energies.




Headaches are one of the original uses of Sananga. It is the most universal remedy for headaches across many tribes. Native peoples of the Amazon will take Sananga in their eyes to treat their headaches.


Pain in the eyes or pain in the head can be caused by many different reasons. If the reason is related to inflammation or infection, then Sananga seems like a sound solution for that according to the indigenous customs. However, eye pain and head pain can be caused by other, much more serious reasons and as such Sananga may not work for all headaches.


The latex obtained from the plant is used for removing 'Mosquito Worms' from the body, and is placed on cotton plugs for insertion into aching tooth cavities. It is also used to treat Munuri Ant (Pariponera clavata) bites and sore eyes. The latex obtained from the petiole is applied to the penis as a treatment for gonorrhoea. The root is used to treat headaches. The grated bark is used in a plaster as a treatment for headache and as a resolvent for treating small abscesses. The macerated leaves are used as an eyewash to remedy conjunctivitis. Macerated in rum, they are applied to swollen feet. The plant is used to soothe bites, skin irritations and snakebite wounds.



The most immediate effect that someone feels when they apply Sananga eye drops to is an intense burning sensation. It is most probably unlike anything a first-time user has ever felt in their life and may liken it to Wasabi in the eyes. This burning sensation lasts a few short minutes and then subsides into a feeling of euphoria.


To clear vision for hunts the native peoples believe that usage of Sananga will bring clarity of sight to improve vision and contrast between many shades of green which is useful in the forest when you are hunting.


While Sananga was never known by native Amazonians for addiction, tolerance or habit-breaking purposes, some reports have revealed that people consuming Sananga have noticed a total reset of tolerances on their body over a period of a few days after use. Additionally they notice a habit reset.




There currently is no evidence of any specific contraindications regarding Sananga. However, if you are prescribed another eye drop for a specific purpose or are using Sananga while suffering from an eye condition, the eye medicine that you are using could interact with the Sananga in either a positive or negative way. Additionally, if you are in preparation for or recovering from recent eye surgery, it is recommended not to use Sananga.




Yes! We offer Fast & Free postage however we strongly recommend upgrading to Express Post to reduce transit time as Sananga needs to be refrigerated to maintain freshness.




We do not advocate the use of any plant in any particular way. We aim to support and encourage education around the traditional use of sacred plants. All information herein is provided for historical, educational and research purposes only.




If you have any questions, please get in touch. We will get back to you as soon as we can.


Have a fantastic day and thank you for supporting our passion and our purpose.


Love & Light


Sacred Plants Australia


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