MAPACHO 10 Seeds | Sacred Aztec Plant Shaman Medicinal Rare Exotic Mayan Smoke

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These medicinal grade seeds possess a high quality genetic profile and are freshly harvested from our own garden.


Mapacho is considered one of the seven Master Teacher Plants and Rapé, the powdered form of Mapacho, is one of the most widely used sacred plants on the planet, with a rich history and dynamic narrative. It is made from the leaves of the well known species Nicotiana rustica and is often mixed with the ash of other sacred plants. Traditionally used as an offering, for blessings and for intentional use as part of spiritual practices, Mapacho remains a sacred plant and an essential part of spiritual practices. The smoke is used to cleanse, protect, and carry intention.




Nicotiana rustica is an annual herbaceous plant that grows up to 80cm tall. In Australia, the plant often flowers in December and January.  The fruits are round capsules containing tiny red-brown seeds. The plant can be used as an interesting ornamental, as a natural source of insecticide and for ceremonial and spiritual purposes.


Nicotiana plants are native to North and South America, and are found quite commonly in the Andes (45 species) and Polynesia and Australia (21 species). Nicotiana rustica is cultivated mainly for ceremonial use. Its believed to be of hybrid origin.




Nicotiana rustica is best propagated from seed. Simply scatter the seeds over quality Seed Raising Mix inside a humidity dome and then lightly sprinkle the ash from a fireplace over the top. This step greatly aids in germination speed and rate. Mapacho needs light to germinate so make sure the seeds aren’t buried under the surface. Use a spray bottle to add a small amount of moisture and the seeds will begin to sprout in approx 14 days time. Transplant once they reach 3cm tall. Soil pH should be about 5.8 for best growth. In Australia, for optimum growth, the seedlings are best planted outdoors during September, October and November.




The genus Nicotiana gets its name from the French envoy Jean Nicot who sent Nicotiana rustica seeds from Portugal to Paris in 1560, thus promoting awareness of the plant. Nicotiana rustica was cultivated for quite some time in Mexico before Westerners showed up. The species appears to have originated through the hybridisation and cultivation of various wild forms.


Nicotiana rustica remains have been found in graves in the Andes dating back to the Tiahuanaco culture 100AD. The plant was originally known as Peruvian Henbane in Europe, and its active properties were recognised, though it never received significant popularity there.


Egyptian mummies have been found to contain Mapacho alkaloids, but it is not clear how the Egyptians obtained Mapacho. One theory states that Nicotiana rustica was present in Egypt and was used ceremonially there in ancient times.  It is also possible that the discovered alkaloids came from certain species of the Datura genus.


Mapacho is considered very sacred by Amazonian Shamans and is employed alone by Tabaqueros or in combination with other plants in shamanic practices. Some Shamans drink the juice of Mapacho leaves alone as a source of visions. Mapacho is used extensively in healing practices and is considered a medicine, not a toxin, when used properly. Indeed, Mapacho is one of the most important plants in the lives of all tribes of the northwest Amazon. It plays a part in curative rituals, in important tribal ceremonies and is occasionally used recreationally.


In its various forms it is also employed in the ordinary medical practices of some tribes. The ceremonial use of Mapacho is usually in the form of Rapé. The Witotos and Yukunas may, on rare occasions and for special festivals, mix powdered Mambe with Mapacho Rapé. During festivals and dances, Mapacho Rapé is consumed in enormous amounts, often alongside Vine of the Soul amongst the Tukanoan tribes of the Colombian Vaupés. It is usually administered via a shamanic applicator called a Tepi which is made of hollow bird bones or, occasionally; in long tubes made of reed-like plants. It is also sometimes used with a self applicator tool called a Kuripe. Almost all tribes in the northwest Amazon take Mapacho as Rapé.


Mapacho is smoked only rarely, in ceremonies and curative rituals of the medicine men and women who blow smoke or spit tobacco juice over the patient or inhale the smoke, all with appropriate incantations and ritual. Recreational smoking amongst the Indians of the northwest Amazon is not common, except in areas where tribal customs are breaking down due to acculturation. The Witotos sometimes smoke Mapacho Puros, but this custom may be recently acquired. During ceremonies in which Vine of the Soul is taken, enormous Mapacho Puros, some as long as 91cm, are smoked, especially amongst the many tribes of the Vaupés. The Sionas of the Mocoa region, like the western Tukanoan tribes, also employ the gigantic ceremonial Mapacho Puros, but occasionally make smaller Puros and smoke them for non-ritual use; they have probably learned this use from colonists who have come from the Andes. The Jivaros and Aguaruna of Ecuador smoke large Mapacho Puros in a smoking festival to celebrate the initiation of a youth into manhood.


Nicotiana rustica is used recreationally in Africa in a number of ways.  It is smoked and used as Rapé by the Sotho peoples, and decocted for use as an emetic by the Lissongo. North and Central native Americans often smoke Mapacho ritually.  The Navajo have complex rituals for the making of Mapacho pipes or ‘peace pipes’, which are used for shamanic purposes.  The Karuk of California also smoke Mapacho in pipes, usually in the evenings.




Nicotiana rustica leaves are generally dried in the sun in the open air. They may then be powdered and mixed with other substances, such as Tagetes lucida or Calcium hydroxide. This preparation may be used to help with headaches, to make one feel peaceful and to potentiate the medicine.


Preparation of Mapacho Rapé appears to be similar from tribe to tribe. The leaves are hung up to dry, sometimes over a low fire, then pulverised, finely sifted and mixed with about an equal amount of the ash of other sacred plants. The product is a grayish brown powder with a strong odour. The preferred source of ash for this admixture is the bark of a wild Cacao tree (Theobroma subincanum). The Rapé may be taken at any time during the day, but it is most frequently used towards evening when the men are relaxing using Mambe. Usually it is used alone, but on occasion powdered Paprika chili (Capsicum annum) may be added. This is said to make the Rapé more effective.


The Mestizo Ayahuasqueros of Peru mix Mapacho juice with Vine of the Soul, crushing the leaves and softening them with saliva, then leaving the juice overnight in a hole cut into the trunk of the Lupuna tree (Trichilia tocachcana), the presumably medicinal sap of which drips into the Mapacho brew. Amongst the western Tukanos of Colombia and Brazil, master medicine men make their students drink a gourd of the juice to cause purification and a state of stupor. 


The Jivaros of Ecuador drink the juice in initiations, visionary quests, war preparations, victory feasts and witchcraft; even women partake of the juice in wedding feasts and initiations.

Chewing Mapacho leaves is common practice in numerous Amazonian tribes. Waika men keep a quid of Mapacho leaves in the lower lip all day. The Nonoyu mix Mapacho with Mambe powder for chewing. Mapacho juice is taken by the Jivaros alternately with Vine of the Soul or Brugmansia. Amongst the Coto Indians of the Rio Napo of Peru, only the Shaman is allowed to take Mapacho juice through the nostrils; the general male population may only drink the juice.


With Witotos, Boras, and several other tribes of the northwest Amazonas, the common use of Ambil (a thick Mapacho syrup) takes place during the early evenings before fresh Mambe is made and chewed. The thick syrup is applied to the gums with a finger or a stick and is swallowed very slowly with saliva and Mambe powder. The residue, formed by the slow evaporation of aqueous extracts of Mapacho leaves, is also mixed with the salts obtained by the leaching of ashes of various plants. Amongst the Witotos, any male may make Ambil, and there is no special hour or ceremony connected with its preparation.


The application of Mapacho in any other form, such as rectally by enema, is almost unknown in South America except amongst the Aguarunas, a Jivaroan tribe of Ecuador who apply it alone or mixed with Vine of the Soul. The brew is repeatedly taken alternating with swallows of Mapacho juice to cause purification before use of the enema. The Kulina customarily smoke all night when taking Vine of the Soul.




The Tukanoan peoples of the Vaupés often rub a decoction of the leaves briskly over sprains and bruises. Amongst the Witotos and Boras, fresh leaves are crushed and poulticed over boils and infected wounds. Tikuna men mix the crushed leaves with the oil from palms to rub into the hair to prevent balding. The Jivaros take Mapacho juice therapeutically for indisposition, chills and snake bites. In many tribes Mapacho Rapé may be employed medicinally for a variety of ills, particularly to treat pulmonary ailments.




The principal active biochemicals of Nicotiana rustica are Nicotine, Nornicotine and Anabasine. The proportion of each varies greatly among the species and varieties. As many as eight other Pyridine alkaloids occur in lower concentrations. Mapacho, when smoked moderately, has short term excitant and tranquilising effects on the central nervous system. In higher amounts, the effects can range from a brief rush followed by an increase in body temperature and heart rate, as well as brief perspiration, dizziness and nausea. Unconsciousness and fainting may also result.  The heart risks of smoking Mapacho are quite serious and Nicotine is also considered to be extremely addictive.


Nicotiana rustica has a much higher Nicotine content than any other Nicotiana species and so must be used with great care. Dosages vary greatly from person to person, so dosage guidelines will not be provided. Nicotiana rustica effects can be very profound and overwhelming, even dangerous, so it is very important to be careful when working with this plant.


Nicotiana rustica said to produce visions that Shamans can utilise. Wilbert says that the effects that Mapacho produces among the Warao people include the following: dreamlike and chromatic visions, multi-sensory perception, brilliant occurrences of light, intuitive knowledge and spontaneous insights, soul-escort by a psychopomp and tunnel experiences.  However, these experiences seem only to happen to initiated Shamans and normal individuals consuming the same dose will often experience very toxic effects.




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We do not advocate the use of any plant in any particular way. We aim to support and encourage education around the traditional use of sacred plants. All information herein is provided for historical, educational and research purposes only.




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Sacred Plants Australia