This unit can be used for a home, office, rental, ADU, or granny flat.

The unit does not include a stove, refrigerator, hot water heater, or heating/ac unit. These items can be purchased separately (on Amazon for example) according to your country's electric sockets. The electric sockets will be included in the home per your country or your choice.

If you choose to add additional items, a custom invoice will be sent to you:
You are able to add the purchase of a hot water heater for this unit for 500 GBP.
You are able to add the purchase of the platform and stairs (shown in the photo) for 470 GBP.

Electric, wiring, and outlets will conform to your destination country.

You may communicate which finishes you prefer via eBay communication before purchasing, as these can be designed per your request.

The lead time (from order placement before shipping) is 15 to 20 days.

The shipping time is approximately 30 days.

Shipping: This unit weighs 2.5 tons or 2500 kg

Shipping to your nearest seaport is included with the price.

It will be delivered to your nearest seaport (not a lake, river, or inland port) or one that you choose.

You will be responsible for making and paying for the arrangements to have the unit transported from the seaport to its final destination. Each seaport has a list of service providers that can provide trucking, railroad, or tug estimates and services to your final destination.

You will need to order a crane service to remove the unit from its flat pack shipping container. Inform the crane service of the weight of the item and they will advise.

This process will save you money because you will only be paying for what you need to transport the unit to its final destination, which decreases the overall cost of the unit.

It is always your responsibility to inquire and confirm zoning and/or the need for permits if required; you may need permits to connect permanently to utilities. You may be able to connect the toilet drain line to an existing sewer/septic or you could use a portable above ground plastic septic tank, which can be serviced by a local septic company every few months or so. All inquiries should be directed to your local building and zoning department.

United Kingdom VAT Notice 708 #15 Residential purpose buildings also treated as dwellings are zero rated for VAT.

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