VALENCIA ORANGE 5 Seeds Citrus Sinensis Sacred Medicinal Rare Exotic Fruit Tree

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VALENCIA ORANGE 5 Seeds - Citrus sinensis 


These exotic Valencia Orange variety seeds possess a high quality genetic profile and are self-pollinating.


Citrus sinensis is a hybrid between Pomelo (Citrus maxima) and Mandarin (Citrus reticulata). It is a commonly cultivated family of Oranges that includes Valencia, Blood and Navel Oranges. 




Fill a seedling tray with humidity dome with seed raising mix and plant the seeds  1cm deep.


Water the seeds and wait 3 - 4 weeks. Water the seeds until the soil is damp to the touch. Make sure not to over water or else the seeds will become waterlogged and rot. In 3 - 4 weeks, you should notice seedlings emerge.


Keep the tray in a well-lit area. The seedlings should be kept in a bright and warm area, like a windowsill, so they can grow. Remember that the more light a plant gets, the more water the plant will need.


Wait until the seedlings have 4 true leaves. The first “leaves” that you’ll see on your seedlings are cotyledons and not true leaves. True leaves will develop over time and will resemble leaves from a fully grown Orange tree. Once there are at least 4 true leaves on your seedling, they are ready to transplant.


Transplant the seedlings to individual pots or into the garden. Once you have unearthed a seedling, put it in a hole slightly larger than the root ball and fill in with Citrus Potting Mix. Valencia Orange is  self-pollinating, however, it will greatly benefit from cross pollination with other Oranges to increase fruit set.




The Valencia Orange is an important agricultural product, used for both the juicy fruit pulp and the aromatic rind. Orange blossoms are used in several different ways, as are the leaves and wood of the tree.


The orange blossom is highly fragrant and traditionally associated with good fortune. It has long been popular in bridal bouquets and head wreaths. Orange blossom essence is an important component in the making of perfume.


Orange blossom petals can also be made into a delicately citrus-scented counterpart to Rosewater, known as ‘Orange Blossom Water. It is a common ingredient in French and Middle Eastern cuisines, especially in desserts and baked goods. In some Middle Eastern countries, drops of orange flower water are added to disguise the unpleasant taste of hard water drawn from wells or stored in  traditional Egyptian water pitchers made of porous clay. In the United States, orange flower water is used to make orange blossom scones and marshmallows. In Spain, fallen blossoms are dried and used to make orange tea.


Orange blossom honey is obtained by putting beehives in the citrus groves while trees bloom. By this method, bees also pollinate seeded citrus varieties. This type of honey has an orangey taste and is highly prized. Orange leaves can be boiled to make orange tea.




Orange rind, leaf and bark have recently been reported to contain indole alkaloids including The Spirit Molecule.




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We do not advocate the use of any exotic fruit in any particular way. We aim to support and encourage education around the traditional use of sacred plants. All information herein is provided for historical, educational and research purposes only.




If you have any questions, please get in touch. We will get back to you as soon as we can.


Have a fantastic day and thank you for supporting our passion and our purpose.


Love & Light


Sacred Plants Australia