VALENCIA ORANGE 5 Seeds Citrus Sinensis Sacred Medicinal Rare Exotic Fruit Tree


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VALENCIA ORANGE 5 Seeds - Citrus sinensis 


These Australian grown Valencia Orange seeds possess a high quality genetic profile and are 100% organic.




Citrus sinensis is a hybrid between Pomelo (Citrus maxima) and Mandarin (Citrus reticulata). It is a commonly cultivated family of Oranges that includes Valencia, Blood and Navel Oranges. 




STEP 1 - Fill a humidity dome seedling tray with high qiality Seed Raising Mix and plant the seeds 1cm deep.


STEP 2 - Water the seeds until the soil is damp to the touch. Make sure not to over water or else the seeds will become waterlogged and rot.


STEP 3 - Keep the tray in a well-lit area. The seedlings should be kept in a bright and warm area, like a windowsill, so they can grow. Remember that the more light a plant gets, the more water the plant will need. In 3-4 weeks, you should notice seedlings emerge.


STEP 4 - Wait until the seedlings have 4 true leaves. The first leaves that you’ll see on your seedlings are cotyledons and not true leaves. True leaves will develop over time and will resemble leaves from a fully grown Orange tree. Once there are at least 4 true leaves on your seedling, they are ready to transplant.


STEP 5 - Transplant the seedlings to individual pots or into the garden. Once you have unearthed a seedling, put it in a hole slightly larger than the root ball and fill in with Citrus Potting Mix. Valencia Orange is  self-pollinating, however, it will greatly benefit from cross pollination with other Orange Trees to increase fruit set.




A shallow rooted plant, it prefers a deep, well-drained but moisture-retentive loamy soil in full sun. Trees are intolerant of waterlogging. Prefers a pH in the range 5 - 6. Prefers a moderately heavy loam with a generous amount of compost and sand added and a very sunny position. Prefers a pH between 5 and 6. Tolerates a pH in the range 4.3 to 8.3. Plants are intolerant of water logging.


When growing plants in pots, a compost comprising equal quantities of loam and leafmould plus a little charcoal should produce good results. Do not use manure since Citrus species dislike it. When watering pot plants it is important to neither overwater or underwater since the plant will soon complain by turning yellow and dying. Water only when the compost is almost dry, but do not allow it to become completely dry.


Three main climates are suitable for commercial citrus production - tropical climates, subtropical with winter rain such as in the Mediterranean and semitropical with summer rainfall as found in Florida and southern Brazil.


The optimal temperatures for citrus cultivation range between 25 - 30°c, with the coldest month having an average minimum of at least 15°c. Growth generally ceases below 13°c and above 38°c. If there are dry periods of more than three months, then irrigation will be necessary. The flowers are sweetly scented. Plants dislike root disturbance and so should be placed into their permanent positions when young. The sweet orange is not known anywhere as a wild plant but must have originated near the border between China and Vietnam.

Sweet orange starts flowering and bearing fruit after 3-5 years. Trees aged 3-4 years produce 2.5-5 t/ha of fruit and 8-12 year old trees produce 20-40 t/ha of fruit. Single trees may live up to 100 years, but the economic life of an orchard seldom exceeds 30 years. There are many named varieties.




Fruit is sweet, juicy and delicious. The juice is often extracted from the fruit and sold as a refreshing and healthy drink or used in jellies, ice cream. The dried and pulverised fruits are used for flavouring baked goods. The orange, reddish-green to yellowish-green fruit is round and 4cm - 12cm in diameter. A good source of vitamin C. The essential oil extracted from the peel of the fruits is used for flavouring drinks, ice-cream, pudding, desserts, chewing gum, and sweetmeats. Pectin, a setting agent, is made from the peel. The rind of the fruit is often candied and used as a flavouring in cakes etc or made into marmalade. Flowers can be cooked as a vegetable or made into a tea. An oil extracted from the seeds is used as a cooking oil.




Citrus species contain a wide range of active ingredients and research is still underway in finding uses for them. They are rich in vitamin C, flavonoids, acids and volatile oils. They also contain coumarins such as bergapten which sensitises the skin to sunlight.


Bergapten is sometimes added to tanning preparations since it promotes pigmentation in the skin, though it can cause dermatitis or allergic responses in some people. Some of the plants more recent applications are as sources of anti-oxidants and chemical exfoliants in specialised cosmetics.

The fruit is appetiser and blood purifier. It is used to allay thirst in people with fevers and also treats catarrh. The fruit juice is useful in the treatment of bilious affections and bilious diarrhoea. The fruit rind is carminative and tonic. The fresh rind is rubbed on the face as a cure for acne. The dried peel is used in the treatment of anorexia, colds, coughs.

A decoction of the leaves with salt is taken orally for digestive tract ailments, nerve disorders, fever, asthma, blood pressure, general fatigue and vomiting. The crushed leaves or fruit juice is massaged into the skin to relieve itching. Fruit juice or leaf decoction with sugar is taken orally for cold and loss of appetite, while crushed leaf decoction as a bath relieves headache and rheumatism.


Macerated root, leaf or fruit mesoderm is taken orally for urethritis. Macerated fruit mesoderm or bark decoction is taken orally for liver ailments. Broken bones are massaged with roasted fruit. Leaf oil exhibits carminative properties and light antispasmodic and sedative properties.




The Valencia Orange is an important agricultural product, used for both the juicy fruit pulp and the aromatic rind. Orange blossoms are used in several different ways, as are the leaves and wood of the tree.


The orange blossom is highly fragrant and traditionally associated with good fortune. It has long been popular in bridal bouquets and head wreaths. Orange blossom essence is an important component in the making of perfume.


Orange blossom petals can also be made into a delicately citrus-scented counterpart to Rosewater, known as ‘Orange Blossom Water. It is a common ingredient in French and Middle Eastern cuisines, especially in desserts and baked goods. In some Middle Eastern countries, drops of orange flower water are added to disguise the unpleasant taste of hard water drawn from wells or stored in  traditional Egyptian water pitchers made of porous clay. In the United States, orange flower water is used to make orange blossom scones and marshmallows. In Spain, fallen blossoms are dried and used to make orange tea.


Orange blossom honey is obtained by putting beehives in the citrus groves while trees bloom. By this method, bees also pollinate seeded citrus varieties. This type of honey has an orangey taste and is highly prized. Orange leaves can be boiled to make orange tea.




A semi-drying oil obtained from the seed is used in soap making. An essential oil from the peel is used as a food flavouring and also in perfumery and medicines. The leaves and flowers also contain fine essences of oils that may be used in the manufacture of cosmetics. A potential source of firewood. The wood can be used for boards and panelling.




Orange rind, leaf and bark have recently been reported to contain indole alkaloids including The Spirit Molecule.




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We do not advocate the use of any plant in any particular way. We aim to support and encourage education around the traditional use of sacred plants. All information herein is provided for historical, educational and research purposes only.




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Love & Light


Sacred Plants Australia


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