LARE Review, Section D Practice Problems: Design and Construction Documentation, Second Edition by Erik Sweet, ASLA

LARE Review, Section D Practice Problems: Design and Construction Documentation helps you prepare for the design topic, and the grading, drainage, and construction documentation topic found in Sections 3 & 4 of the exam.Topics Covered: Concept Development,    Design Development, Construction Documentation, Design Principles, Resource Conservation and Management, Graphic Communication, Materials and Methods of Construction.  LARE Transition Information Section D of the LARE transitioned to Sections 3 & 4 in December 2012. The problems in this book correspond to Section 3 & 4 topics. 
Author(s)Erik J. Sweet ASLA
Pub. date12-01-2006
PublisherProfessional Publications, Inc.
Item Dimensions0.09 x 0 x 0.11 inches
Item Weight0.42 pounds
Package Dimensions10.7 x 8.4 x 0.3 inches
Package Weight0.35 pounds