The ideal solution for the safe transport of your rods, a case that was really missing from the market made by anglers and applied to your own needs.

Its construction is based on 3 main pillars:

- On the outside, a strong waterproof canvas was used, durable enough to withstand the hardships at sea, on the boat and in the car during its transport. The sail is tough and strong so it forgives mishaps that can occur at any time during a fishing trip such as knocks on the rod and guides

- Internally it has a soft waterproof lining for better protection of the weak points of our rods such as its guides.

- In between there is extra soft material as an extra level of safety for our rods

This case is measured exactly to the measurements of the YUKI NUBA CASTING 2.10m and YUKI NUBA SLOW CASTING 2.10m rods with a total length of 1.62m protecting the entire rod from the tip to the upper part of the mechanism base.

Ideal for a wide range of trolling rods.

Dimensions: 162cm x 12cm x 12cm