Large Vintage Gorgeous Expression Piano Baby Blonde Hair Bonnet 13" Long x 6" Tall 436

Beautiful & precious Piano Baby - I just love the delicate expression and the soft colors on this Piano Baby. It's not marked on the bottom except for the numbers "436" not sure if this is German or not.  I remember my grandfather always used to tell me, the German's put beautiful expression on the faces of their figurines- so that's why I think this is German.  But I'm certainly Not an expert.  He also would say the Japanese got Very Good at copying the German figurines, so, I really can't say whether it's German or Japanese.  Not sure on the time era either - if anyone has knowledge on this gorgeous piece, I would be very appreciative :-) 

Sadly, 1 finger on the baby's left hand is broken as well as the left blue strap on the bonnet.  I purchased it this way years ago so, not sure how it happened.  Everything else is just exquisite...the little toes, the curls in it's hair, dimples, and 2 precious front teeth!

13" long x ~6" tall - I will be sure to wrap this delicate item very carefully to insure it arrives safely :-) 

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