Ehler Danlos Patient's Sourc, Paperback by Kalman, Paul; White, Johnson, ., ISBN 1503224406, ISBN-13 9781503224407, Like New Used, Free shipping in the US

Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) affects the connective tissues; the joint and skin problems are due to issues with collagen, proteins that stabilize the connective tissue and give it elasticity. Prior to 1997, there were 10 recognized types of EDS which were classified by Roman numerals (. EDS I , II and III), but this has now been simplified to six major types. Each type has its own features. For example, the vascular type of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome carries an increased risk of organ rupture, including tearing of the aorta and rupture of the uterus (womb) during pregnancy. All types have some effect on the joints. Symptoms may first show up during the childhood years, although some newborns with certain subtypes are diagnosed with EDS. If symptoms are mild, the disorder may not be diagnosed until the adult years. This informative and concis guides you through the causes, tests, and treatment options for EDS.