Biochemic Prescriber, Paperback by Shah, Prashant S., ISBN 1533128065, ISBN-13 9781533128065, Brand New, Free shipping in the US

Biochemic medicine was discovered over a hundred years ago by a German physician, Dr. Wilhelm Heinrich Schuessler. He identified twelve inorganic tissue-salts that are essential for the healthy functioning of the human body. He showed that when there is a deficiency of any of these salts in the body tissues, certain typical symptoms arise. You can use these symptoms to identify the specific deficiency. Then all you have to do is supplement the deficient tissue-salt in a dynamic (potency 6X) form. It will stimulate the vital force of the body, which will in turn carry out the healing. Here is an up-to-date, clear, and concis that you can use to heal yourself, your family and friends. It tells you how the common everyday ailments arise in the body and how to use the tissue salts to heal them. Th is simple to understand and easy to use; and the results are simply biochemic system is much simpler than its parent, homoeopathy. Here you choose the remedy from just twelve tissue salts! On the other hand, in homoeopathy you have to collect a very wide range of symptoms, repertories them, and then find the matching remedy from an equally large number of remedies. Hence, the task can be books on Biochemic Remedies are available in the market. However, most of them have been written in the old style and compiled by homeopaths. As a result thess carry the complexity of the 'homoeopathic drug-picture’. It has made this simple Biochemic system unnecessarily very complicated and confusing. In this book we have clarified this confusion. We have made simple 'symptom pictures’ that are associated with the deficiency of the biochemic tissue salts. Once you grasp the 'guiding symptoms’ for the indicated remedies, it will be easy to make your prescription. In addition, here we also explain the process of healing – how the vital force goes about overcoming the symptoms of the illness in the body. It is helpful to know what to expect when you are waiting for the healing to happen inside the body.