Please email with any questions. Handwritten letter dated 1858, from R A Matthews, Sandersville, Georgia. Mr Matthews was writing to Macon hardware merchants Carhart & Curd. Orders to Sandersville would have been delivered via train. The following is the body of the letter, spelled as written:
 "Gentlemen, I have heard nothing of my goods yet when I send for any thing I want it rite off. My bills are small and perhaps not worth your partickler attention. If not I will trade some whear else. I must have attention. If you sent the goods to the depot they wood have bin hear before this time or at least it seames so to me. Renfro has rote to Weed since I have received your bill and got his goods last week. There is something rong somewhere. I wish you wood see toit rite off for I am in purticler need of them. I am sirs yours with all due respects, R A Matthews". 
Haven't we all felt like Mr Matthews? Paper has some slight soiling and creases. I think the two burn holes were made by holding the paper too close to a lamp or candle flame when reading.