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The sheet has perforation separations extending half way up the sheet between the margin and the first colum of stamps.  All the sheets of this variety were received this way directly from Ukrposhta and it would appear that their operator was using too much pressure on the perforation die.

I was wondering how I could help the Ukrainian war effort. Sending money to charities was a possibility, but I wanted to participate in the actual war effort. Then it dawned on me that I could sell Ukrainian Postage stamps on EBAY, purchased directly from the Ukrainian Postal Service. The funds received would go directly to the Government of Ukraine for use as they deemed most appropriate. I will maintain a separate spreadsheet for all the Ukrainian stamps I sell and assure you that all profit will go into purchasing additional stamps from the Ukrainian Postal Service.

In the first few months, we have provided the Government of Ukraine with $8167.32 for their effort.  I have recently added refrigerator magnets and coffee cups to my store.  The assistance of my past and future customers in helping me with this effort is greatly appreciated. Please tell your relatives, friends, and coworkers of my listings. Again, all profit on the Ukrainian stamps I sell will go straight to the Ukrainian Postal Service for use by the Government of Ukraine as they see fit.