Expertly Engineered 100% Handmade Greek Professional Baglama by SOLIST

Delve into the immersive realm of traditional Greek music with this meticulously handcrafted baglama, a testament to superior craftsmanship and technical excellence. Engineered for optimum performance, this instrument seamlessly integrates premium materials, ensuring an unparalleled experience for discerning musicians and collectors.

Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, this baglama boasts a solid poplar body meticulously selected to enhance tonal resonance and projection. The cedar top contributes to a balanced tonal spectrum, offering pronounced highs and rich lows, while the wenge fretboard's precision construction facilitates effortless playability and intricate fingerstyle techniques.

The incorporation of SOLIST nickel tuning machines ensures impeccable tuning accuracy and stability, crucial for exploring a diverse range of melodies and tunings. 

The instrument's satin finish not only provides protection but also showcases the natural wood grain, exuding an understated elegance.

Immerse yourself in the distinctive soundscape of Greek music with this finely tuned handcrafted Baglama. Each strum reverberates with authenticity, making it an ideal companion for your musical journey. Elevate your musical prowess and elevate your collection with this pinnacle of precision engineering and sonic artistry. Experience firsthand the unrivaled prowess of a genuine Greek Baglama.

Please note that the intricate handmade nature of the instrument may lead to minor variations in both appearance and tone, underscoring its individual character.

Additional Information:

Baglamas or Baglamadaki is a nighttime musical instrument, as is Tambouras, a transformation of ancient Greek pandouras and a bouzouki miniature, used in Greek folk music. As a rule it has three double strings. The sound of the Baglama is acute. Each string is tuned one octave higher than the corresponding one in the bouzouki. The reason why Baglamas have smaller dimensions is so that the players could hide it easily, since it was forbidden during the Turkish rule and later during the dictatorship.


Warranty: 2 Years