1950s - 1960s

INCO International Nickel Co.

 Technical publications 

 Magnetostrsiction - 1960
Design of nickel magnetostriction transducers - 1963 - 42 pages
Iron-Nickel Alloys for magnetic purposes  - copyright 1953, this copy printed in 1963
INCO newsletter 1958
Available publications on ductile iron - LIST D - 1956
Nickel Alloys literature - LIST B - 1956
Helpful Publications - List A - 2 copies 1 from 1956 the other 1963
Correspondence letter

Comes form a former missile engineer for the US Air Force.
Was employed under this position during 1950's and 1960's, may have continued on afterwards, all the paperwork I have are from that period.

Well cared for. pages are clean and crisp. Looks like it could have been printed recently not 60 years ago.

Inco Limited was a Canadian mining company and the world’s leading producer of nickel for much of the 20th century. In October 2006, Inco was purchased by the Brazilian mining company Vale for $19.4 billion.

The company was founded following the discovery by blacksmith Tom Flanagan[2] in Copper Cliff Ontario of chalcopyrite deposits, while the Canadian Pacific Railroadwas being built.[3] Initially, ore was shipped for smelting to a plant in Constable Hook, New Jersey, owned by the Orford Copper Company. Processing revealed in 1884 that the ore was also rich in nickel and exploration tests revealed an enormous potential.

In its heyday during the 1950s, Inco produced 85% of the world's nickel supply.