Aam papad is an Indian fruit leather made out of mango pulp mixed with concentrated sugar solution and sun dried. It is also known as aamba sadhaa, aamta, amawat, maanga thera, mamidi tandra, aamsotto and amba vadi. Traditional aam papad is sweet, although it is available in different varieties

Health Benefits:

Aam Papad  offers several health benefits. Rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, Aam Papad can help boost immunity, aid in digestion, and improve overall health.

How It Is Made:

Mango pulp is  spread on trays to dry in the sun. After the first layer dries, another layer is spread over it and allowed to dry. The process is repeated until the desired thickness is reached. The thickness varies depending upon the quality of mango pulp used. When this thickness is reached the aam papad is cut into pieces and wrapped in oiled paper or into different packages.