Benefits of Lemon: Lemon is a well-known fruit known for its exceptional properties for the health of your skin and body.
 ✅Aromatherapy: The light citrus scent of lemon pleases and soothes your mood if you are meditating or practicing yoga.  Just pour a few drops into a diffuser or place a few drops in the bathtub while showering for the perfect aromatherapy session.
 ✅Skin care treatment: Cleanse your face, dip a cotton ball in lemon oil, and gently apply it to your skin.  Leave it for an hour and wash it.  You can also use lemon oil in several ways, such as mixing it with another oil and applying it to your skin and leaving it overnight or using lemon oil as an astringent.
 ✅For consumption: Lemon oil can be used in your food to get a little lemon flavor.  Add it sparingly or sprinkle it over salads, dressings or a baking tray.  Being a taste enhancer, it helps in treating stomach problems and works as a remedy as well.
 ✅Dosing: Pour 2-3 drops into the aromatherapy diffuser.  Use a teaspoon of lemon oil in your salad, cake or baking cookies, and a few drops to apply to your face to moisturize, cleanse and soothe your skin.