Your Story Hour 
Bible Comes Alive 12 CDs 

Complete Album 4 of 12CDs
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A set of 12 CDs featuring 
dramatized Bible Stories

Titles include: 
The Daring Act Esther saves her people 
The Land of Uz Job tested for faithfulness 
The Charming Prince Nebuchadnezzar 
becomes king The Four Friends Daniel 
and his three friends In the King's Court 
Daniel interpret's king's dream The Fiery 
Affair at Dura Shadrach, Meshach, 
Abednego thrown into fiery furnace Seven Years 
a Beast Nebuchadnezzar forsakes God 
The Bloodless Hand Belshazzar's impious 
feast The Lions and the Villains Daniel in the
 lions' den The Man who Ran Away From God 
Jonah and the whale Mary of Nazareth Angel 
appears to Mary Born Under a Star Birth of 
Jesus The King Grows Up Jesus' boyhood A 
Voice in the Desert John the Baptist. Jesus' 
baptism Journey to Jerusalem First cleansing 
of the temple. Nicodemus Happiness in 
Galilee Miracles of Jesus Jesus the Healer 
Jesus heals leper and paralytic Matthew's 
Magnificent Party Matthew becomes disciple 
Troubled Waters Jesus heals on sabbath 
The Road to Happiness Ordination of 12 disciples.
 Healing Roman officer's servant The Greatest 
Miracle Widow's son resurrected. Simon's feast. 
Demon cast out Prisoner in a Desert Dungeon 
Death of John the Baptist Stormy Times Jesus calms storm.
 Two demoniacs. Jairus' daughter resurrected A Boy's 
Amazing Lunch Jesus feeds 5000 A Fisherman 
who Couldn't Swim Peter walks on water"