Product Name : Shree Yantra Maha Meru / Meru Sri Yantra

Dimension :  6 inches (Height) * 6 inches (Base)

Weight :  900 gm  (approx)

Design : Beautiful Meru Shree yantra Made in Panchdhathu - mixture of 5 metals

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Description :

This sriyantra is made up of a panchdhatu (mix of five metals) with a thick base that contains the mahalaxmi mantra inscribed on it’s side . This is traditionally buried in the center of a plot  (Nabhi Sathan) to ensure continuous waves of prosperity & well being to the dwellers.

The Maha Meru or Meru shree chakra , is a three dimensional projection of the great yantra known as shree chakra , said to be the mother of all the Mandalas . The sublime geometry of the shree chakra is revealed wisdom. It is not of human origin . It is nothing less than the genetic code of the Cosmos .

  • Sri Yantra is one of the most auspicious, important and powerful Yantras, which not only gives the maximum benefit, but also proves beneficial for almost everybody. It is the source of attaining all worldly desires & fulfilling all wishes through inner cosmic power & mental strength.