Black Garlic Powder - Allium sativum - Superior Quality Herbs&Spices BIO


Black garlic is an ingredient in Korean cuisine that is slowly becoming known around the world. Its unique taste is still being explored by chefs and is a gourmet material of high gastronomy.The process of creating black garlic requires fermenting garlic at high temperatures for extended periods of time. The garlic is then cooled and allowed to air dry for about a week.

The result is a black clove of garlic with a creamy texture and a sweet, slightly salty, warm, umami flavor, with spicy notes and a smoky aroma. And the best; The annoying smell of garlic is gone!

It is an ingredient that will make any dish applied unique and delicious.
If we melt it with olive oil, we can make a special appetizing dip, which you accompany nicely with breadcrumbs.

It can be added to sauces that accompany seafood or fish dishes, steaks, ribs, etc. It can be added to a stew, a general risotto, rji or noodles.

Organic Black Garlic aged for many months that makes our dishes look like a Michelin star!!

The strong taste and smell of garlic is replaced by a caramelized sweet umami taste and a subtle smoky aroma!!

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