Aleppo Chilli Flakes (Pul Biber Biberi) 20g(0.7oz)-1.9kg(4.2lb) Capsicum Annuum


Scientific Name: Capsicum Annuum.

Pul Biber is the name for a special variety of Capsicum annuum species, also called Aleppo pepper.

While the "scales" are fresh, the dried, large scales of the pool pepper retain their vibrant coppery orange-red color, which darkens over time. Aromas & Taste: The aroma of the pool pepper is fruity and slightly smoky, with hints of cumin, licorice and sun-dried tomato. Its mildly hot and fruity taste is almost sweet in the mouth.

The kitchen: It is mainly used to flavor soups and tomato sauces, grilled meats, kebabs and potatoes, pilafs, unleavened pies, but also pizzas.

Pul Biber pairs well with oregano, thyme, garlic powder, onion powder, turmeric and paprika.

A taste that will fascinate you, will give a unique aroma and taste to every dish, traveling to the depths of Asia with aromas and tastes from the east!!!!

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