Embark on an epic journey through the American Revolution with "Assassin's Creed III" on Xbox 360. This game offers a gripping narrative, historical authenticity, and thrilling action.

Key Features:

1. American Revolution: Immerse yourself in the turbulent period of the American Revolution, exploring iconic cities like Boston and New York, as you follow the journey of Connor Kenway.

2. Realistic Graphics: "Assassin's Creed III" boasts stunning graphics, recreating the historical world with meticulous detail and realism.

3. Fast Shipping: We understand your eagerness to start your revolution. Our fast shipping ensures that "Assassin's Creed III" on Xbox 360 arrives at your doorstep promptly.

4. Secure Packaging: We take your gaming experience seriously and ensure your game is securely packaged for safe and pristine delivery.

5. Compelling Storyline: Experience a captivating narrative filled with personal and political conflicts, as Connor navigates the complex world of the Assassins and Templars.

6. Stealth and Action: Engage in a perfect balance of stealth and action gameplay, utilizing the wilderness, combat skills, and historical accuracy in your quest for justice.

If you're ready for a historical adventure filled with intrigue, intense battles, and a gripping narrative, "Assassin's Creed III" on Xbox 360 is the game for you. With fast shipping and secure packaging, we ensure your gaming experience is seamless and enjoyable. Order your copy now and become a part of the American Revolution as a formidable assassin.