Red Clover Loose Whole Herb Tea 20g(0.7oz)-1.9kg(4.2lb) Trifolium Pratense


Red clover is a low perennial plant with smooth leaves that grows from May to September everywhere, even on roadsides. Its flowers are large, bell-shaped and dark reddish-brown in color.

The resulting spirit has dark shades, an earthy taste, and aroma. 10 minutes of soaking it in hot water is an ideal time for its aroma to emerge.

How it is used:
The flowers as an infusion: Add one to one and a half teaspoons of dry red clover flowers to a cup of boiled water for 10-15'. We drink 3 times a day.

Soak dried red clover flowers in a mug of warm water for 5-10 minutes. Strain, serve and enjoy.


Always use fresh water and not water that has been left in the teapot or kettle for hours.
Optionally add the sweetener of your choice.
After preparing it, place it in the fridge to enjoy it cold if you wish.

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