Product Description

Tiny To Tots Baby To Toddler, Baby Essentials, Baby Products

Gripper Bottles, 2 Pack Gripper Bottles, Gripper Bottles, Set of 2

Baby Gripper Bottles, Baby Bottles, Bottles for Babies

Large Capacity Baby Bottles, 6M+ Bottles, Bottles for Babies

Gripper Bottle Design

The hoop design makes it easier to grab the bottle for the little one whilst drinking as well as making it lighter to carry around due to the beautiful, designed bottle.

Suitable Age Group

This product is for 6M+.

100% BPA Free

These bottles have no trace of Bisphenol, which are harmful chemicals used in plastic products.

Grey and Teal Bottles, Tiny To Tots Bottles, Baby To Toddler

Grey and Teal Bottles, Tiny To Tots Bottles, Baby To Toddler

Gripper Bottle, Gripper Bottles, Grey Bottle

Fast Flow Silicone Teats

The gripper bottles come with fast flow teats but they’re compatible with medium and standard flow teats.

Product Details

2 Pack of Tiny To Tots gripper bottles, having a capacity of 250ml’s each, in two colours of Grey & Teal, with clear markings in ML/Oz.

Large Capacity

Large capacity bottle with good grip design for easy hold.

Tiny To Tots Range, Dummies, Plates, Soothers