David Lynch Blue Velvet Promo Velvet Bag Red Lipstick Ear Replica Gas Mask Rare

From personal collection, this promo kit is extremely rare. It has never been displayed and has been safely stored. It was acquired from another collector, and it is either from the theatrical release (1986) or the DVD release (1999 or 2002). See images for product details including any natural wear or other imperfections - due to age the lipstick has become dislodged (once placed back in holder it does move up/down), light overall wear to other elements,  - message with questions, happy to assist!

Your purchase includes:

Velvet Bag with gold tassels (a very dark midnight blue to black color)
1 tube of Red Lipstick by Adoro (iconic red lipstick was worn by Isabella Rossellini in the film)
1 Gas Mask, a replica of what was worn by Dennis Hopper in the film 
1 Severed Ear replica complete with a glob of blood and fake hair

Your purchase will be boxed and well-packaged for a safe transport.

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