Zola Eyebrow Tint Set

Eyebrow dye Zola is a permanent dye that gives gentle results due to a new generation of soft alkali. The paint gives a bright, juicy imprint on the skin when dyed.

Incredibly rich composition of the paint, which includes hydrolyzed collagen, lanolin, and sorbitol.
Unique lamellar paint structure.
New technology in cosmetic chemistry gives the texture of paint as close as possible to the skin and its layers.
A wide palette of universal shades that can be mixed to create unique colors

+ The set includes Zola Oxidizer 3% (30ml)

Zola paint shade palette:

A universal shade for blondes and light-brown women, it does not darken the hair and has a unique color scheme - it appears warmer on warm women, and a cooler shade on cold women.

Ideal for red and warm brown-haired women, it has a rich copper-brown hue.

A universal brown shade that adheres tightly to the skin and is suitable for anyone who wants a neutral brown shade: from dark blondes to brown-haired women, brunettes and redheads.

Neutral dark brown shade, has a neutral base, suitable for brunettes, brown-haired women and dark blond.

The cool graphite shade can be used either independently or as a corrector color. When added to brown, dark brown, light brown, you will get cooler shades.

Directions for use: Mix the paint with the oxidizing agent (1:1) in a non-metallic container. Apply the mixture evenly to your eyebrows, being careful not to go beyond their contour. Exposure time up to 15 minutes. Rinse off the paint thoroughly with warm water using a cotton sponge.

Volume: 15 ml