- Magnesium Forte provides a high concentration of natural marine Magnesium, perfectly assimilable in the body;
- the 500 mg of marine Magnesium/1 capsule provides 75% of the daily Magnesium requirement;
- natural marine magnesium is extracted and purified from sea water through successive filtration;
- the result is a natural mix of magnesium oxide, chloride, sulphate and hydroxide, minerals and micronutrients, perfectly assimilable in the body, so there is no risk of causing unpleasant side effects;
- through its superior natural form, Magnesium Forte brings a beneficial contribution to the body by supporting the activity of the nervous system, reducing fatigue and exhaustion, restoring psycho-emotional balance, helping the muscular system to function properly and intervening in the correct absorption of calcium. 

Method of administration:
1-2 capsules per day.

Marine Magnesium extract standardized with 55% Magnesium (providing 105.8 mg Magnesium/28% NRV) .......................... 500 mg

120 capsules

Magnesium Forte 120 capsules Herbagetica (Energy Balance and Vitality) is a dietary supplement from the mineral group , contains active ingredientsmagnesium and may contribute to the relief of various symptoms, on the recommendation of the doctor or pharmacist.

Unlimited Finds Store understands the importance of the information presented on this page and makes every effort to keep it up to date. The only situation in which the information presented about Magnesium Forte, 120 Capsules, Herbagetica may differ from that presented on the website is if the manufacturer/importer makes changes to its specifications without informing us in advance.