THE POWER OF CONVERSATIONAL HYPNOSIS VIDEOS 11 DVD set Igor Ledochowski - Finally a good Conversational Hypnosis video workshop of the quality only Igor Ledochowski provides. The program consist of an in depth, 11 hour deep dive into the full mechanics of conversational hypnosis. You will learn how to communicate in multiple levels so people’s conscious mind picks up one message while their unconscious picks up another. Can you really learn Conversational Hypnosis in just 11 hours? Yes, you will learn what it is, how it works, and all the major techniques. To become a master will take practice and this is the way to get started. [IF YOU’RE ON A PHONE, PLEASE TAP ON “SEE MORE INFORMATION” TO SEE ALL THE DETAILS]

The workshop is in 11 DVDs and you get a bonus CD that has the full written transcript of the whole thing on a PDF file 

Conversational Hypnosis Foundations 
How To Be Naturally Hypnotic In All Your Interactions 
Hypnotically Leading Others
The Power Of ''Yes Sets'' 
How To Use Strategic Hypnosis To Get People To Adopt New ''Truths" 
The Instant Rapport Technique '
'Hypnotic Eyes'' Revealed 
How To Hijack A ''NO'' And Turn It Into A ''YES'' 
Trance Rhythms That Put The ''Critical Factor'' To Sleep 
Hypnotic Revivification Demo 
Advanced Conversational Revivification Demo 
The Little Known ''Previvification'' Technique 
Freestyle Conversational Hypnosis 
How To Amp Up Your Hypnotic Influence 
Hot Words 
How To Use Conversational Hypnosis Immediately In The Real World 
The Unconscious Blitz 
Bonus CD: Full Transcripts