100% Organic Greek Tarragon Loose Leaves Estragon Spice - Artemisia Dracunculus - Superior Quality Herbs&Spice {Certified Bio Product}


Bio tarragon or tarragon has a penetrating pleasant aroma with hints of vanilla and mint and its aroma and taste is reminiscent of licorice, fennel and anise.

It can be used to flavor olive oil and mustard as well as Bearnaise sauce.

It goes into shrimps, fish, poultry, pork, seafood pasta and sauces as well as potato salads, soups, grilled vegetables, cheeses, mushrooms, eggs, stuffed, oily, etc.

Tarragon, especially in its French version, is widespread in cooking thanks to its intoxicating aroma and the flavor it imparts to dishes. They call it the "King of Herbs".

For this reason, it is worth looking at some excellent recipes with tarragon as the main ingredient.

If you haven't tried it before, it's worth experimenting now. You will go crazy!

Chicken with mustard, mushrooms and tarragon
• 4 chicken fillets
• 250 gr. white mushrooms
• 2 onions
• 1 clove of garlic
• 3 tbsp. mustard
• 300 ml white wine
• 1.5 tbsp. cognac
• 1 tbsp. tarragon
• 2 tbsp. olive oil
• salt and pepper

Finely chop the chicken fillets and fry them, so that they take on color, after of course we season them with salt and pepper.

Then, in a pot, pour the olive oil and saute the mushrooms, onion and garlic.

Add the mustard and tarragon and after they boil, pour the wine and cognac.

Finally, throw in our fillets, to simmer for 20 minutes and for the sauce to set. Goes great with basmati rice!

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